
More personalization of the digital experience

We design digital experiences that adapt to meet the needs of any audience. Personalized, and a perfect fit – for a truly inspirational user experience. Deliver your content with precision and address each of your customers individually. Boost your revenues while fostering long-term loyalty to your company.
Proficiency in personalization

Strengthen your customer loyalty with perfect personalization. We analyze user data and behavioral patterns to develop individual experiences that are carefully coordinated to the needs of your target market. From personalized product recommendations to on-the-fly offers. We make sure that your customers feel understood and appreciated. Our systems integrate seamlessly with your existing systems and make the most of modern technologies to ensure inspiring content can be delivered around the clock. We also implement Dynamic Yield into existing or new (E)CMS/DXP systems, so as to guarantee the creation of a fully personalized experience. Not only raising your conversion rates but also securing customer and brand loyalty into the long term.

Dynamic Yield Logo
Frontend development

We develop UI/UX concepts and websites that are functional, responsive and failure-tolerant. Tools like Typescript and React streamline project development while ensuring top-notch performance. For more satisfied customers – and optimised search engine rankings. From new projects to relaunches, we always keep the user in mind. Headless architectures make design and content maintenance a breeze. And accessible solutions guarantee all users the best user experience.

Content-Driven E-Commerce

Bringen Sie inspirierenden Content auf Ihre E-Commerce-Plattform, um Kunden zu begeistern und zu binden. Mit innovativen CMS-Lösungen lassen sich Storytelling, Interaktion und Produktpräsentation perfekt kombinieren. So transportieren Sie nicht nur Ihre Markenbotschaft, sondern steigern auch die Conversion Rate. Ob Headless-Commerce oder klassische Systeme – wir passen die Technologie an Ihre Anforderungen an. Personalisierte Inhalte und nahtlose Integrationen sorgen dafür, dass sich Ihre Kunden rundum wohlfühlen.


Integrated AI features make adding personalization to modern ECMS and DXP solutions both simple and efficient. This personalized experience is especially useful for content maintenance: AI can recommend content, optimize its appeal for specific user groups and design workflows to be more efficient. User data analysis is another area when AI can be leveraged to automate the creation of relevant, personalized content. This cuts the workload for your editing teams while strengthening customer retention.

Our references

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Strong tools and serious know-how

CoreMedia Logo


We are a Certified Gold Partner and use the CoreMedia Experience Platform to optimise user experiences.

Crownpeak Logo


As a Premier Partner, we are experts at implementing complex projects in the FirstSpirit hybrid headless CMS.

Netlify Logo


Modern cloud hosting for high-performance web projects: meet Netlify.

Formcentric Logo


Form management – innovative and secure. Together, we make digital processes so much more efficient.

Dynamic Yield Logo

Dynamic Yield

Together, we set new standards for personalised interaction and an optimised web experience.



As a member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals, we know what accessible websites need.

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Our watchword: access all areas. Always accessible – with consistent, well thought-out solutions that anyone can use.


Big and complex doesn’t scare us. No matter how extensive or ambitious, the business processes we design are efficient and effective.


We dig deeper! This is why we develop long-lasting solutions that excel today and stand the test of time.

Marcel Scheland

Interested in our more value consultation?

Looking to hone your digital edge? Get in touch. We look forward to helping you.

Marcel Scheland

+49 40 22 86 842 0