Techniker Krankenkasse
First-rate know-how, door-to-door
Accessibility isn’t now just a legal requirement: it’s part and parcel of modern web standards. As a member of the IAAP (International Association of Accessibility Professionals), we make your digital solutions universally usable. Our accessibility audits review your applications for WCAG conformity and highlight areas where optimizations can be made. Because we integrate accessibility into your projects right from the start, this not only cuts your long-term costs but creates more value for all of your users.
Even as we discuss concepts, we’re already focusing on accessible, long-term digital solutions. As we move to the design phase, the first step is developing an optimum user experience. With a clear-cut structure and a modern, visually appealing UI. Because we work with your team from the outset, we create a UI/UX experience that’s intuitive, accessible and easily understood by all of your user groups.
We develop UI/UX concepts and websites that are functional, responsive and failure-tolerant. Tools like Typescript and React streamline project development while ensuring top-notch performance. For more satisfied customers – and optimised search engine rankings. From new projects to relaunches, we always keep the user in mind. Headless architectures make design and content maintenance a breeze. And accessible solutions guarantee all users the best user experience.
We are a Certified Gold Partner and use the CoreMedia Experience Platform to optimise user experiences.
As a Premier Partner, we are experts at implementing complex projects in the FirstSpirit hybrid headless CMS.
Modern cloud hosting for high-performance web projects: meet Netlify.
Form management – innovative and secure. Together, we make digital processes so much more efficient.
Together, we set new standards for personalised interaction and an optimised web experience.
As a member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals, we know what accessible websites need.
Big and complex doesn’t scare us. No matter how extensive or ambitious, the business processes we design are efficient and effective.
Developing for you! We always adjust our digital experiences to meet individual needs and specific goals.
We dig deeper! This is why we develop long-lasting solutions that excel today and stand the test of time.
Looking to hone your digital edge? Get in touch. We look forward to helping you.
Marcel Scheland