
Monday Consulting begins partnership with the modern development platform Netlify

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Monday Consulting is one of Netlify's first partners based in Germany. The team gains access to premium tools and resources that enable them to deliver customized solutions and optimize their clients' digital presence.

Crownpeak already counts on Netlify's technology. As a “Premier Partner”, Monday Consulting is one of the best-trained consultants for Crownpeak's FirstSpirit Digital Experience Platform. Both complement each other perfectly through the partnership with Netlify and the Monday Consulting team can thus provide even better support with innovative and powerful solutions.

"The partnership with Netlify opens up new opportunities for us to offer our clients state-of-the-art web development services. The connection between Crownpeak and Netlify, supported by the expertise from our team, promises a seamless and high-quality service for companies that want to take their digital presence to a new level."

René Zoller, Unit Lead FirstSpirit

Netlify's Composable Web Platform allows companies to modernize and unlock the potential of high-performance, dynamic websites, eCommerce stores, and applications. The platform combines a comprehensive system of technologies, services and APIs in one workflow, enabling a new level of team productivity while saving time and money.

More information about Netlify can be found here.

Marcel Scheland

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Want to know more about our most recent activities? Simply call or mail us today!

Marcel Scheland, Chief Executive