
Enhanced user experience through website relaunch of DAK-Gesundheit

DAK-Gesundheit and Monday Consulting ensure an even more customer-oriented website.

Since the beginning of Monday Consulting’s company history, the team has been working together with DAK-Gesundheit on the online customer portal. The latest project is another milestone of the successful collaboration.

Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) were already introduced at DAK-Gesundheit in 2020. In this way, users interact with the website and receive suitable solutions to their concerns via a question-answer structure. Since then, 65 CUI processes with more than 1,000 questions and suitable answers have been created. In the process, the number of clicks on the website has tripled. Combined with the positive customer feedback of 97% from over 1 million ratings, this demonstrates the relevance of a customer-oriented website.

"An attractive, informative and easy-to-use website is more than just a business card. It is increasingly becoming a decision criterion for (or against) a health insurance company. With the current development of a strong, customer-oriented website, we are taking the next big step towards becoming a digital pioneer."

Erik Ober, Product Owner of the website

To meet customer needs even better, Monday Consulting goes one step further in the latest relaunch:

  • Precise answers and topic recommendations to search queries
  • Simplified user guidance through question-answer structure
  • Optimized view for mobile devices with app character
  • Increased loading speed through modern web technologies
  • Smart-Communication-Button for easy contact options
  • More data protection and security through headless architecture

A brief insight into the technical details:

  • Deployment and operation in the CoreMedia Content Cloud
  • CoreMedia Headless Server for content distribution
  • Microsoft Azure API gateway for displaying internal third-party system content
  • Next JS and React as the basis of the web app

In addition to improving the customer experience, the project also helped to save internal resources. Through the editorial system, changes and publications can be distributed to several touchpoints at the same time and do not require time-consuming manual work. Gradually, other portals of the DAK will also be transferred to the new system and employees will be relieved.

After many years of partnership, the Monday Consulting team is longingly expecting a continued successful cooperation with DAK-Gesundheit. For more information and a concrete overview of the implementations, please visit the German DAK website.

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Marcel Scheland

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