
Monday wins CosmosDirekt pitch

Monday wins CosmosDirekt pitch

Our fruitful partnership with Generali Deutschland AG began over ten years ago and in this time we’ve successfully delivered a great many shared projects both with Generali itself and its subsidiary companies. As a CoreMedia Gold and Certified Partner, we’ve provided expert advice to the Generali Group about all aspects of the CoreMedia ContentCloud and were also entrusted with full technical management of a number of key projects. Armed with this expertise in the insurance business, Monday again pitched successfully to a Group customer last year, winning the tender for the CosmosDirekt website.

CosmosDirekt is Germany’s leading online-only insurer and Generali’s direct insurer for the German market. The portfolio of the Saarbrücken-based company offers products covering private insurance, retirement planning and financial investment.

The insurance sector goes digital

Over the last few years, important changes in how we live, work and play have also affected customer requirements in the insurance sector. The steady increase in the use of smartphones and tablets has long since changed customer expectations and attitudes. CosmosDirekt spotted this growing trend several years ago and seized the opportunity to kick-start its online business: after establishing a position for itself in the burgeoning market, it is now one of Germany’s leading online-only insurers. This also makes CosmosDirekt one of the few insurers to have focused on developing direct, digital customer contact from the outset – and see changing customer needs as a chance rather than a challenge.

As a result, the direct insurer is already planning its strategy for the future. Over the next few months, CosmosDirekt will be working with Monday to optimise its entire corporate website with the aim of further improving usability. Two key points of focus here are optimizations for mobile as well as advanced personalization. Sub-sections will be restyled to match and improvements are also planned for site search functionality. Since the CosmosDirekt website currently runs on version 9 of the CoreMedia CMS, another important project goal is completing an update to CoreMedia ContentCloud version 10.

“We are very pleased to continue our long-standing partnership with Generali in Germany with the relaunch of the CosmosDirekt website plus our package of project support and know-how.”

Andreas Bögemann, Executive Director, Monday Consulting GmbH

More information about our services can be found on the CoreMedia partner site.

Marcel Scheland

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Marcel Scheland, Chief Executive